jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Génocide des Tutsis 1994 et Des Génocides par tout dans le monde.( Avant le xvie et au xxie siècle)

 Génocides par tout dans le monde.

xixe siècle

170.000.000 DE MORTS AU 20 eme Siecle seulement!

xxie siècle

le chemin  vers la genocide!

Génocide des Tutsis au Rwanda

Le génocide des Tutsis est un génocide qui eut lieu du 7 avril 1994 à juillet 1994 au Rwanda, un pays d'Afrique de l'Est
Le1er octobre 1990, des Rwandais exilés et regroupés au sein du FPR décidèrent de revenir au pays à partir de l'Ouganda, et de prendre le pouvoir par les armes. En réponse, les autorités rwandaises menèrent une double stratégie : se défendre avec l'armée contre l'agression militaire du FPR et « liquider » tous les Tutsi de l'intérieur du Rwanda. Les autorités rwandaises perdirent la guerre civile au profit du FPR mais atteignirent en revanche leur objectif génocidaire contre les Tutsis.
L'ONU estime qu'environ 800 000  tutsi, ont perdu la vie durant ces trois mois et  les Hutus qui se sont montrés solidaires des Tutsis ont été tués comme traîtres à la cause hutu. D'une durée de cent jours, ce fut le génocide le plus rapide de l'histoire et celui de plus grande ampleur quant au nombre de morts par jour. Il convient de souligner qu'un génocide n'est pas qualifié comme tel en raison du nombre de morts, mais sur une analyse juridique de critères définis à l'époque par laConvention pour la prévention et la répression du crime de génocide du 9 décembre 1948 de l'ONU. Cette convention définit qu'un génocide est « commis dans l'intention de détruire, en tout ou en partie, un groupe national, ethnique, racial ou religieux, comme tel ».

Chemin vers la vie


SERGENT YANNICK LEROY (lui refusait de deposer l'arme comme ses collegeus)

Le déroulement du génocide.


6 avril 1994 : les présidents rwandais et burundais, Juvénal Habyarimana et Cyprien Ntaryamira, meurent, lorsque leur avion, qui s'apprêtait à atterrir à Kigali, est abattu par un missile.
7 avril 1994 : Plusieurs personnalités politiques modérées sont assassinées, empêchant tout règlement pacifique de la crise, ainsi que dix casques bleus belges de la MINUAR. Des barrières sont dressées par des milices Hutus à Kigali puis dans le reste du pays, et, au vu de leurs cartes d'identité, les Tutsis sont systématiquement assassinés.
8 avril 1994 : offensive majeure[réf. nécessaire] lancée par le Front patriotique rwandais (FPR) dans le but de s'emparer de la capitale. La France et la Belgique évacuent leur ressortissants. Dans les jours qui suivent, des centres où se réfugient les Tutsis (écoles, églises, ...) sont attaqués et leurs occupants massacrés par les Hutus, appuyés par les FAR.
14 avril 1994 : le gouvernement belge annonce qu'il retire son contingent de casques bleus de la MINUAR.
21 avril 1994 : après avoir constaté les difficultés à mettre en place un cessez-le-feu entre le FPR et les FAR et l'échec probable du processus d'Arusha, le Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies (où siège le Rwanda depuis le 1er janvier 1994), après avoir hésité une semaine entre diverses options (renforcement de la MINUAR, ou bien maintien sous condition, ou bien maintien d'une force réduite, ou bien retrait total), prend la décision de réduire la MINUAR à un strict minimum. Cette force de maintien de la paix passe de 2500 à 250 hommes et a pour but de servir d'intermédiaire entre les deux parties. Ses possibilités de secours humanitaire ou de protection des populations sont extrêmement réduites37.
30 avril 1994 : le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU exige un cessez-le-feu entre les FAR et le FPR, mais se limite à des actions diplomatiques et humanitaires. Dans une déclaration de son président, le Conseil de sécurité désigne à demi-mot le responsable principal des tueries (« Des attaques contre des civils sans défense ont été lancées dans tout le pays, et en particulier dans des zones contrôlées par des membres ou des partisans des forces armées du Gouvernement intérimaire du Rwanda »). Il se refuse cependant à prononcer le mot de génocide, même s'il rappelle que « l’élimination des membres d’un groupe ethnique avec l’intention de détruire ce groupe totalement ou partiellement constitue un crime qui tombe sous le coup du droit international », ce qui est quasiment mot à mot les termes de la Convention sur le génocide38. A cette date, le nombre de victimes civiles est estimé39 à 200 000. Le terme explicite de génocide est quant à lui déjà utilisé depuis plusieurs jours par plusieurs intervenants40.
17 mai 1994 : le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU décrète un embargo sur les armes à destination du Rwanda41. Cet embargo sera peu respecté, des armes continuant à arriver par Goma pour armer les FAR, et par l'Ouganda pour armer le FPR.
31 mai 1994 : un rapport du secrétaire général des Nations-Unies au Conseil de sécurité évalue le nombre de victimes entre 250 000 et 500 000. Ce rapport souligne également que « les massacres et les tueries avaient été systématiques et qu'il ne faisait guère de doute que les événements en question constituent un génocide ». Ses conclusions énoncent que « la réaction tardive de la communauté internationale à la situation tragique que connaît le Rwanda démontre de manière éloquente qu'elle est totalement incapable de prendre d'urgence des mesures décisives pour faire face aux crises humanitaires étroitement liées à un conflit armé. Après avoir rapidement ramené la présence sur le terrain de la MINUAR à son niveau minimum, puisque le mandat initial de celle-ci ne lui permettait pas d'intervenir lorsque les massacres ont commencé, la communauté internationale, près de deux mois plus tard, semble paralysée, même s'agissant du mandat révisé établi par le Conseil de sécurité. Nous devons tous reconnaître, à cet égard, que nous n'avons pas su agir pour que cesse l'agonie du Rwanda et que, sans mot dire, nous avons ainsi accepté que des êtres humains continuent de mourir »42.
8 juin 1994 : le Conseil de sécurité dénonce les actes de génocide43 commis au Rwanda. Il étend le mandat de la MINUAR aussi bien dans la durée (prolongation jusqu'en décembre 1994), que dans les moyens d'action (défense des sites de réfugiés). Il appelle les États membres de l'ONU à apporter des ressources pour permettre le renforcement de la MINUAR44. Devant l'avancée du FPR et par crainte de représailles,1 500 000 Hutus fuient vers l'ouest du pays.
22 juin 1994 : avec l'autorisation de l'ONU45, la France lance l'opération Turquoise : des soldats français arrivent dans le sud-ouest du Rwanda pour établir une zone humanitaire sécuritaire pour les réfugiés. Pourtant, les massacres de Tutsi continuent, même dans la « zone de sécurité » contrôlée par la France.
4 juillet 1994 : prise de contrôle de la capitale par le FPR.
16 juillet 1994 : alors que les FAR sont en déroute, un communiqué de la Maison-Blanche annonce la fermeture de l'ambassade du Rwanda aux États-Unis, l'expulsion de son personnel, l'annonce de consultations auprès des membres du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU dans le but de retirer son siège au Rwanda, et le blocage des avoirs financiers du Rwanda aux États-Unis46.
La date couramment retenue comme fin du génocide est le 17 juillet 1994, date où le FPR contrôle l'essentiel du pays. À cette date, 800 000 Tutsis ou Hutus modérés ont été massacrés. Un million de Rwandais, fuyant le FPR, ont franchi la frontière avec le Zaïre47. Les forces armées rwandaises (FAR), les dirigeants et exécutants hutus fuient également au Zaïre dont la frontière est contrôlée par l'opération Turquoise qui les laisse passer avec leur armement48. Le drame va maintenant toucher cette population, qui a parfois été contrainte de participer activement au génocide, et désormais prise en étau entre le FPR et les milices responsables du génocide, qui prennent la direction des camps de réfugiés. Le 18 juillet, le FPR déclare un cessez-le-feu unilatéral. 

mercredi 29 octobre 2014

la geurre de liberatio du Rwanda 1990.

Nyuma y’iminota nk’ine gusa indege ya Habyarimana imaze kuraswa mu ijoro ryo kuwa 6 Mata 1994, abasirikare ba leta bar i Kanombe batangiye kuturasaho ndetse n’abari ku Kacyiru bose bafatanya kuturasa. Ntibyari byoroshye kuko twari bake ugereranyije n’umwanzi. (...) Twafashijwe n’imbunda 12,7mm Anti-aircraft yari iri hano yadufashaga kurasa kure (igeza mu birometero bibiri) bityo tugasunika umwanzi ari nako ingabo ziri ku butaka zibasha kwigira imbere.

Hafi y’inteko ishinga amategeko mu masangano y’imihanda yo ku Kimihurura, hari inkambi y’abasirikare barindaga Umukuru w’igihugu (Camp GP), ari nacyo kibazo gikomeye aba basirikare 600 bahuye nacyo ariko babasha kubanesha bafata ikigo.
Ku itariki ya 11 Mata 1994 nibwo aba basirikare babashije kubona ubutabazi ubwo batayo ya Alpha yabaga mu karere ka Gicumbi yasesekaraga i Kigali maze ibongerera ingufu babasha gufata uduce dutandukanye mu mujyi.
Koloneli wavuye ku rugerero Nyamurangwa Fred wari ufite ipeti rya Lieutenant Colonel waje gufasha ingabo 600 zari muri CND, ni we wayoboye ingabo zafashe uduce dutandukanye kuva ku Gisimenti, Kicukiro kugeza ku i Rebero.
Nyamurangwa yagize ati “Byadutwaye umunsi umwe gusa kugira ngo tugere ku i Rebero aho twahuraga n’interahamwe n’izi ngabo.”

Mu gihe izi ngabo zarwanaga, zihutiraga no kurokora abantu batandukanye bari hafi y’agace zari ziherereyemo aho ndetse Minisitiri w’uburezi Dr. Biruta Vincent yarokowe mu ba mbere kuko yari aturanye neza na CND ndetse anagira uruhare runini mu kuvura inkomere zari muri iyi nyubako.
Kuri iyi nyubako ikoreramo Inteko ishinga amategeko y’u Rwanda ubu hagiye gutahwa ibishushanyo by’ubugeni byibutsa urugamba rutoroshye izi ngabo 600 zanyuzemo kugeza Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi ihagaritswe tariki 4 Nyakanga 1994. Harateganywa kwandika amateka y’ibyebereye kuri iyi nyubako bityo ngo bifashe n’abo mu gihe kizaza kuzamenya neza inzira y’urugamba rwo kubohora igihugu


lundi 27 octobre 2014

contacts.(inzozi-the rwandan dream).

Hello everyone! My name is Jerome and I am a Rwandan men with the passion for tourism.
I welcome everyone to the Land of a Thousand Hills!
My contacts are:
Tel.: +250788430274
Fb: The Rwandan Dream

Do not hesitate to contact me for any information about the Tours I offer or if you want me to arrange your stay in my country according to your means and interests!

RUGEM JEROME avec ses contacts..

Hello everyone! My name is Jerome and I am a Rwandan men with the passion for tourism.
I welcome everyone to the Land of a Thousand Hills!
My contacts are:
Tel.: +250788430274
Fb: The Rwandan Dream

Do not hesitate to contact me for any information about the Tours I offer or if you want me to arrange your stay in my country according to your means and interests!
We did enough research about tourist sites, national parks and museums in Rwanda and neighbouring countries. RUGEMA Jerome is well known Rwandese, born in Rwanda, grown up in Rwanda and has a considerable knowledge with experience in Tourism in Rwanda. RUGEMA Jerome knows much about the history, culture and all curiosities that are interesting in Rwanda.

cette son jour de son marriage.

Turi kumwe Onlus
  • Aumenta dimensione caratteri
  • Dimensione caratteri predefinita
  • Diminuisci dimensione caratteri
 La Onlus Turikumwe

Turi kumwe Onlus

“Turi kumwe” in kinyarwanda significa “siamo insieme”.
Si tratta di una frase pronunciata
al momento di congedarsi da qualcuno per indicare che,
nonostante la separazione fisica,
è possibile rimanere uniti nel pensiero e nell’amore.
Viene anche utilizzata nel gioco del calcio,
con il significato di “passa la palla”.
E’ quindi un’espressione che suggerisce contatto e collaborazione,
le parole chiave della nostra associazione, a cavallo fra Rwanda e Italia.

Turi kumwe” in kinyarwanda significa “siamo insieme”.
Si tratta di una frase pronunciata
al momento di congedarsi da qualcuno per indicare che,
nonostante la separazione fisica,
è possibile rimanere uniti nel pensiero e nell’amore.
Viene anche utilizzata nel gioco del calcio,
con il significato di “passa la palla”.
E’ quindi un’espressione che suggerisce contatto e collaborazione,
le parole chiave della nostra associazione, a cavallo fra Rwanda e Italia.


two people having a walk

hottest locations

tinerary 1 (10 DAYS & 9 NIGHTS)
This tour includes both a visit to the gorillas and the chimps as well as a visit to Akagera National Park in eastern Rwanda where a large variety of plains game, as well as birds are found. The tour also includes a visit to the beautiful white sanded beaches of Lake Kivu in northwestern Rwanda a perfect winding up of a Best of Rwanda tour.

Itinerary 2 (4 DAYS & 3 NIGHTS)
Our shortest tour captures the essence of Rwanda a visit to the mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park in northern Rwanda. Meeting these gentle giants in their natural habitat is a world unique experience everyone should have the privilege to experience. Participants on this trip will, as extra options, also have the opportunity to visit the recently habituated Golden Monkeys or trek up to the grave of Dian Fossey.

Itinerary 3 (7 DAYS & 6 NIGHTS)
This tour is a tour where you exclusively trek the various primates found in Rwanda. The mighty mountain gorilla, chimpanzees, the golden monkeys and the Collubus with chances of seeing even more species with a bit of luck. We visit Volcanoes National Park in the north as well as Nyungwe Forest National Park.

Penuel Tourstinerary 4
2days & 2night On day at Kigali & one night at Kigali One night at kinigi &one day at kinigi national parc of virunga. 1 person = 1014usd 2 people 850usd each 3 people = 800usd each

Itinerary 5
Group of 10 PERSONs Akagera National Park(foreigners) Payment 1079usd 110usd per person One day and one night

Itinerary 6
A groupe of 10 PERSONAL in national parc of volcanoes They pay 6000 usd One PERSON pays 600 usd (one day & one night)

Itinerary 7
Rwanda national parc volcan A group of 10 persons pay (Nationals) 400,000 frw One parson pay 40,000frw.for one day

Itinerary 8
Lake kivu, virunga national park, nyungwe national park. 2days Virunga national park. Lake kivu Nyungwe national park 2night Kinigi Cyangugu 1 person pays 3954usd, 2 people pay 2000usd each, 3 people pay 1800usd each, 4 people pay 1600usd each.

Itinerary 9
One day for a group Rwandese Akagera national park A groupe of 10 persons 200,000frw/20,000per parson A groupe of 24 persons 468,000frw/ 19500/person

Itinerary 10
A group of foreigners 10 or more They pay 1500usd /150usd/persons Nyungwe national park One day&one night 762usd A group 1 person pays 762usd, 2 people pay 500usd, more than 3 people pay 400usd

Itinerary 11
Kibeho 2 days&2nights 0ne night at Kigali On day at kibeho On night kibeho. 595 usd.

hottest locations


stunning italian historyIn the heart of Central Africa, so high up that you shiver more than you sweat," wrote the eminent primatologist Dian Fossey, "are great, old volcanoes towering up almost 15,000 feet, and nearly covered with rich, green rainforest - the Virungas". Situated in the far northwest of Rwanda, the Parc des Volcans protects the steep slopes of this magnificent mountain range - home of the rare mountain gorilla - and the rich mosaic of montane ecosystems, which embrace evergreen and bamboo forest, open grassland, swamp and heath.

The National Musuem

stunning italian historyThe most prominent tourist attraction in Huye (Butare) is the superb National Museum, which houses perhaps the finest ethnographic collection in East Africa. Absorbing displays of traditional artifacts are illuminated by a fascinating selection of turn-of-the-century monochrome photographs, providing insight not only into pre-colonial lifestyles, but also into the subsequent development of Rwanda as a modern African state.

Akagera National Park

stunning italian historySet at a relatively low altitude on the border with Tanzania, Akagera National Park could scarcely be more different in mood to the breezy cultivated hills that characterise much of Rwanda. Dominated scenically by the labyrinth of swamps and lakes that follow the meandering course of the Akagera River, the most remote source of the Nile, this is archetypal African savannah landscape of tangled acacia woodland interspersed with open grassland.

Kigali City Tour

stunning italian historyKinyarwanda, French and English speaking guides on every tour. Buses operate 6 days a week,all the major sights covered.These include; Old Kigali City,Nyamirambo, Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Camp Kigali, Radio Television Libre des Milles Collines, Kigali Memorial Centre(Gisozi), Hero's Cemetry, Parliamentary Building, Nyarutarama, and you get to Learn about the Batwa people and participate in a traditional pottery workshop and dancing.

Nyungwe National park

stunning italian historyExtending for 1,000 square kilometres across the majestic hills of southeast Rwanda, Nyungwe National Park is the largest block of montane forest in East or Central Africa, and one of the most ancient, dating back to before the last Ice Age. A uniquely rich centre of floral diversity, the forest has more than 200 different types of tree, and a myriad of flowering plants including the other-worldly giant lobelia and a host of colourful orchids.

Lake Kivu

stunning italian historyLake Kivu is the largest of numerous freshwater bodies that shimmer in the valleys of Rwanda. Lakes Burera and Ruhondo, close to the gorilla-tracking centre of Ruhengeri, are oft-neglected gems, deep blue waters ringed by steep hills and tall waterfalls, with the nearby Virunga Volcanoes providing a spectacular backdrop.

Kibeho Historic Site

sea, the beachesOn November 28, 1981, Mary appeared in the corridor of the school that Alphonsine attended. When asked who she was, Mary replied, "I am Mother of the Word. I have heard your prayers. I would like you and your companions to have more faith. Some do not believe enough." Dont forget to visit this historic site.

Captain Mbaye Diagne, Hero of the Rwanda

In all genocides, amidst the violence and killing, there have always been heroes who have risked everything to save lives. In the holocaust it was Oscar Schindler. In the Rape of Nanking it was John Rabe. One man who defied his duty in order to save hundreds of people from being slaughtered was Captain Mbaye Diagne, a soldier and a military observer of the United Nations. During the Rwandan genocide he saved Tutsis and moderate Hutus by keeping them safe in the Hotel Mile Collines and Hotel Amahoro and then helping them escape out of the country. Diagne also made small personal trips to houses where Tutsis could not escape the Hutu extremists. Mbaye would even save the lives of journalists who were trapped around Rwanda. Over the course of the terrible genocide he saved from 600-1000 lives.

Mbaye Diagne
Mbaye Diagne was an army officer of the Senegalese Army. His birth is unknown and he died in May, 1994. He lived in Dakar, Senegal. He enlisted himself in the Senegal Army after graduating from Dakar University. In 1993 he was sent to Rwanda by the United Nations as a part of the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Rwanda. He was stationed as a military observer at the Hotel Mille Collines, in downtown Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. He was ordered by the United Nations to stay put during the genocide and to be a military observer. This meant all he could do was stand around and be exposed the terrors of the genocide. He defied the U.N.’s orders and did the extraordinary. 
His first acts of saving innocent lives was when he saved the lives of the Prime Minister of Rwanda, Madame Agathe Uwilingiyimana’s children. He hid them in a closet and then when the coast was clear he took them into his car to safety. At first he saved lives through small missions. He would smuggle people into his car and then bribe Hutus guarding the checkpoints to get out of the country. He charmed the Hutu guards by using money, cigarettes, or even his own personal charm to let him and the innocent Tutsis go by. He would then take the Tutsis to safe havens such as the Hotel Mile Collines and the Hotel Amahoro in or around Kigali. His idea of saving people was similar Romeo Daillares’, which involved helping people evacuate to football stadiums. Throughout the time in which he saved people, his general, Romeo Daillare did not stop him at all. 

In one interview with Mark Doyle, a reporter for BBC who went to Rwanda, talked about how Mbaye Diagne saved both of their lives when they went to rescue children at an orphanage. At the militia checkpoint their car was stopped by Hutu guards holding weapons and they began to threaten them because they thought Doyle was a Belgian. After the 10 Belgians had been killed and all support from Belgian was removed, Belgians were not highly favored among the Hutu extemists. Diagne quoted: “No, no -- I'm the Belgian. I'm the Belgian here, look -- a black Belgian." Diagne used a joke to lighten the mood. Doyle stated that this broke the tension and that the Hutus reason to kill them suddenly faded. This is an example of Mbaye Diagne’s suave personality. He was able to persuade Hutus extremists to let them pass just with a couple of smiles and jokes. He used his warm personality to his advantage. His soft manner and light mood were traits that he used to his advantage. 
Mbaye Diagne had a lot of charm to him. Gregory Alex, the head of the U.N. Humanitarian Assistance team in Rwanda described Diagne as a tall guy with a big toothy smile. Gregory Alex quoted: “However long of an encounter you have with him, you come away with a smile, somehow”. One extraordinary trip he took to save lives was when he saved the lives of 25 Tutsis who were in a dangerous neighborhood in Nyamirambo. He took five trips throughout the day and traveled back to Kigali through 23 Hutu guarded areas. 

Click to watch another video clip from Ghosts of Rwanda on Mbaye Diagne. 
This video contains more reflections on his actions and reflections on his death.

Diagne’s actions gave inspiration for those who helped saved lives in Rwanda. Daillare witnessed his actions and did not stop him even though he was under order of the U.N. Captain Mbaye Diagne died in 1994 on May 31st. Witnesses say he was hit by a mortar shell while he was driving back to the U.N. headquarters in Rwanda. He was killed instantly. Fortunately he was the only one in the car and no one else around him was killed. U.N. members tried to get a tarp for his body but there were none. Amidst the genocide there was not even one body bag to cover the hero’s corpse. The following day a parade at the Rwandan airport was held in his honor and he was then buried in Senegal. He received many military honors for his bravery and his courage in Rwanda. His widow, Yassine Mar Diop quoted: “I am a believer in God. My husband died saving people he was not even related to and this legacy will stay with us, his family.”
Mbaye Diagne's procession at the Rwandan Airport
Captain Mbaye Diagne is remembered as one of the heroes of the Rwandan genocide. He sacrificed his life to help innocent Tutsis escape being slaughtered by the Hutu extremists. With his tender smile he persuaded extremists to let him get past militia checkpoints and successfully saved at least 600 people. Diagne also filmed videos of peacekeeper’s and those who gave aid during the genocide. Mbaye Diagne gave hope for the peacekeepers in Rwanda. He saved hundreds of families including the children of the prime minister, Agathe. Mbaye’s presence represented a humane presence amidst the terrors of the Rwandan genocide. Gregory Alex quoted him as: “This man was a hero to people he didn't know and people he did know, to people who didn't have a clue and didn't understand why he was doing it.”
 His laughter and smiles gave people hope and courage during the bloodshed and hate. This was a man who risked everything to save the lives of random people who were in need off of the neighborhoods in Rwanda. He ignored his orders by the United Nations to sit around, unable to do anything, and went out of his way to save hundreds of lives. His acts were those of a hero. His two children quoted him as having: “(a) big smile, tenderness and generosity.” Hopefully in any future event similar to Rwanda, there will always be a hero, willing to risk all he or she has to save those in need.

  • This event has passed.

Nyerere Day Commemoration of the Father of the Nation

October 14

Nyerere Day Commemoration of the Father of the Nation

Nyerere Day

Commemoration of the Father of the Nation Julius Kambarage Nyerere.
Have had the honour to hear him speak live, full of humour.
Also the XTC Sound System had the pleasure of having him as the honorable guest when opening the Vijana Hall in Mwanza way back in the 90’s.
Julius kambarage nyerere
Julius kambarage nyerere
Julius Kambarage Nyerere (13 April 1922 – 14 October 1999) was a Tanzanian politician who served as the first President of Tanzania and previously Tanganyika, from the country’s founding in 1961 until his retirement in 1985.
Julius kambarage nyerere
Julius kambarage nyerere
Born in Tanganyika to Nyerere Burito (1860–1942), Chief of the Zanaki, Nyerere was known by the Swahili honorific Mwalimu or ‘teacher’, his profession prior to politics.

He was also referred to as Baba wa Taifa (Father of the Nation).
Julius kambarage nyerere
Julius kambarage nyerere
Nyerere received his higher education at Makerere University in Kampala and the University of Edinburgh.
After he returned to Tanganyika, he worked as a teacher. In 1954, he helped form the Tanganyika African National Union.
In 1961 on independence, Nyerere was elected Tanganyika’s first Prime Minister, and following the declaration of a republic in 1962, the country’s first president.

In 1964, Tanganyika became politically united with Zanzibar and was renamed Tanzania. In 1965, a one-party election returned Nyerere to power.
During the first years, Nyerere created a single-party system and used “preventive detention” to eliminate trade unions and opposition.
Julius kambarage nyerere
Julius kambarage nyerere
In 1967, influenced by the ideas of African socialism, Nyerere issued the Arusha Declaration, which outlined his vision of ujamaa (“unity”, “oneness” or “familyhood”), a concept that came to dominate his policies.
However, his policies led to economic decline, systematic corruption, and unavailability of goods.
In the early 1970s, Nyerere ordered his security forces to forcibly transfer much of the population to collective farms and, because of opposition from villagers, often burned villages down.

Nyerere Day Commemoration of the Father of the Nation

Julius kambarage nyerere
Julius kambarage nyerere
This campaign pushed the nation to the brink of starvation and made it dependent on foreign food aid.
In 1985, after more than two decades in power, he relinquished power to his hand-picked successor, Ali Hassan Mwinyi.
Nyerere left Tanzania as one of the poorest, least developed, and most foreign aid-dependent countries in the world, although much progress in services such as health and education had nevertheless been achieved.
As such, Julius Nyerere is still a controversial figure in Tanzania.
Julius kambarage nyerere
Julius kambarage nyerere
Nyerere Day Commemoration of the Father of the Nation
He remained the chairman of the Chama Cha Mapinduzi for another five years until 1990. He died of leukemia in London in 1999.
Julius kambarage nyerere
Julius kambarage nyerere